2023 Renewal Special Only

Genius Journey

Business Mastermind

Build a Lightworker business that you love, and it loves you back!

Because Lightworkers don't need cookie-cutter business coaching...

Just like you, we're Lightworkers with holistic businesses and healing practices, so we understand your frustrations and challenges with creating a business that you love (and a business that loves you back).

The reality is that growing your healing business is a lot harder than you thought.

You show up on social media, but it's not leading to clients the way you hoped.

You have a message and a mission, but people don't seem to care.

You try to wrap your head around another guru's "proven business strategy." Once again, they are telling you that you first must change what you offer and how you offer it. You need to use their method. But, that just hasn't worked for you.

How are you going to stay positive, consistent, and successful when it's just "too hard" and it "takes too much time"?

You can find the freedom of working for yourself, IF you start from the right place and get the right support for you.

Creating the healing business of your dreams starts with 3 essential things...

#1 ~ Energizing Your Big Why

#2 ~ Sparking Your Magical Superpowers

#3 ~ Making Your Business Less Hard and Taming the Tech

How We Help You

Your vision for your healing business is not an accident, and you are destined to help others and create a fulfilling life for yourself.

Imagine the excitement of sharing your unique strengths with the world and attracting your dream clients!

Our approach to business coaching is different...


Are you frustrated and frazzled with the "back end" of your lightworker practice? Every business needs a solid foundation. With our popular business courses, workshops, and planners, we'll help you make the right business decisions in less time with less stress.


Why is your inspired insight loud and clear for others but quiet and shy with your lightworker practice? We'll help you get connected and aligned with your Divine "Board of Directors" so you can get the answers and guidance you need to run your biz according to your individual energetic style.


Are you struggling to make someone else's program or system "fit"? We'll help you consult with Source to create amazing programs and services and the best ways to offer them so you can welcome your ideal clients and turn your lightworker practice lights ON!


The Genius Journey
Business Mastermind

You're not a cookie-cutter Lightworker, and you don't deserve a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all coaching program. Here at Lights On Business, we don't do cookie-cutter.

Our 12-month private coaching experience is created and tailored just for YOU, the Lightworker, to provide the support, guidance, accountability, and flow you need to accelerate your unique healing business.

This is perfect for you if you'd love to...
  • Find clarity and belief in your ability to create meaningful work in the world.
  • Feel confident in your business decisions and trust your intuition for the next best steps.
  • Ignite your passion for what you do and magnetize your natural strengths so you can attract your dream clients.
The finer details of what you get during our year together...
  • 1 Monthly 45-minute Private Coaching Call (value $3,600)
  • 2 Monthly Group Business Accelerator Calls (value $2,400)
  • Complete Business Courses and Workshops Library (value $1,750)
  • Unlimited Express Mindset Calls (value $1,500)
  • Unlimited Express Energy and Intuition Calls (value $1,500)
  • Lightworker Easy Office Assessment and Plan (value $497)
  • 90-Minute Deep Dive Coaching Call (one per year, value $597)
  • Recordings of your private calls so you can replay as often as you wish (value $350)
  • Ongoing accountability with session highlights and homework emailed to you (value $350)
  • The Flame of Genius Course (value $300)
  • 21 Days to Ignite Your Passion Challenge and Ebook (value $100)
  • Monarch Messaging Mystery Navastar Course - Speaking to Your Tribe (value $ 100)
  • The Life Vision Board and Amplify Your Abundance Courses (value $100)
  • BONUS: Featured on a group call and to our list once per year to promote your offering (value $500)

Total Value $13,144

We're going to make this affordable for you.

Monthly Payments, Cancel Anytime

Membership: Monthly Payments of $489 per month.

Your Total Investment if You Continue for 12 Months: $5,868

(save $7,276!)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 Days

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing coaching program, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with us, and we'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

What Happy Clients Say

“Helped Me Change and Manifest”

Before I began working with Ron and the LOB team, I wasn’t sure where I was headed in any area of my life. Everything was falling apart, and I’d already invested thousands in other coaches and programs with no results but losing money.

First and foremost, the level of support and customizing to fit my needs, goals, and where I am from moment to moment, assisting with working through crisis and challenges that arise but in a way that never feels overwhelming or more than I could do.

When I started working with Ron and the LOB team, I truly started to grow and get the support that covered all areas of my life. Their program is completely different from anything else out there. The support covers all areas of life. It also includes energetic work, group, and individual coaching, and the work comes in a way that doesn’t feel hard but still pushes outside my comfort zone, and changes and growth start immediately.

I learned how to manifest! A $75k gig, then a $40k one, then other potential clients coming to me.

There is not a more comprehensive program out there, nor the level of support, and customizable to you. This program truly offers you the support and tools to make the changes you desire and the ones you don’t see too!


- Owner

“Makes Life and Business Easier to Handle”

Ron and Lights On Business are helping me to settle and find a pace. Everything is moving so fast that the pacing of things is actually part of the well-being. I feel more secure and stable inside, and it makes life and business easier to handle.


“Helped Me Give Myself Permission”

Ron and Lights On Business helped me give myself permission -- really for the first time in my life -- to stop saying, "What do I need to do for everyone else" and discover "My why's of doing for me."

They assisted me in an area that doesn't come naturally to me, encouraging me not to overthink and bring things down to the basics.

I never thought I had a business mind, and Ron showed me that I do. My son, who works in business management, picked right up on my change in language. "You're talking like a business person, Mom, and you never did before. What happened?" I told him about Lights on Business and how unique and effective their approach is.

My son said, "I'm sorry you didn't find them earlier. The things you're saying now about what you're learning are exactly the skills the most competent people in business have that I work with."

Thank you, Ron and Lights On Business, for offering a business coaching program that works with my energy and style. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you, and I know others will too!


Ron D. Carlson

Ron helped build the Space Shuttle, then he ran numerous entrepreneurial enterprises, taught graduate level at the university, and became an executive with 100’s of employees and $100 million budget, all the while being a closet intuitive. The truth in all that lies in learning how to turn the lights ON in his businesses and himself. Now, Ron loves to help energy-aware business owners integrate their intuitive guidance with their spiritual business so they can turn their lights ON too.